9 Weeks of Sketching Ideas

In the fall of 2019, I started weekly sketching of ideas as a part of course assignment. As much as I enjoyed portraying ideas through sketches, I learned to think critically and sketch faster. The best way to improve our skill is through practise. This exercise helped me to demonstrate my ideas in better ways. I could see the difference in Week 1 and Week 9: especially in brainstorming and sketching. While it took me approximately 2-3 days to think of 3 different ideas in Week 1, it eventually lowered to 1 or half a day. Likewise, I used to erase and make a lot of corrections to my sketches at initial weeks but by the 7th & 8th week, I barely used an eraser.

Week 1

How might we design computing technologies to promote community inclusion? (i.e., learning cultural differences)

Week 2

How might we design context sensitive wearables that help people adapt to their climate, cultural, or social environment?

Week 3

How might we design social computing technologies that promote and utilize local physical libraries?

Week 4

How might we design technologies to improve people's health care experiences at hospitals, specifically with intake?

Week 5

How might technologies improve animal health care? (e.g., for vets; for owners)

Week 6

How might technologies promote building stronger local civic communities?

Week 7

How might technologies improve wayfinding at IUPUI?

Week 8

How might we use technologies to improve wayfinding for those with different abilities?

Week 9

How might technologies support people in emotional crisis?

I am still working on the Blog about my experience. I will post my blog on medium as soon as I finish it.